Independence High School
Alumni Association Update
Winter Spectator has been mailed!
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Announcements from the
Independence High School
Alumni Association

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Greeting to all IHS Alumni

We hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving; and now, Christmas is already right around the corner! A major snowstorm last week was also right around the corner in NE Ohio that left up to 5-feet of snow in and around Ashtabula. Fortunately, Independence had less than 5 inches of snow.

Three hundred and twenty seven copies of the Fall IHS Alumni Spectator were mailed between 23 & 25 November. Many positive comments have already been received. Thank you to Editor Amber Veverka for another great publication.

  • If you are a paid member and did not receive your copy - please notify Bob Wagner, IHS '66, by text (757-202-7750) or email ( so we can figure out why. Likewise, if you have had an email address change or mobile phone number change, please let Bob know so we can update your record.
  • Please also check your membership expiration date which is listed below and to the right of your address. If you feel it is wrong, again - please contact Bob.
  • If your membership has expired, you may renew by simply mailing a check for $10.00 a year for 1, 2 or 3 years, or $40.00 for 5 years. You do NOT have to pay for past years during which your dues lapsed.
  • If you are not currently a member, use this link to join: Alumni Membership Application form. As always, we are here to help you as we advance IHS memories one year at a time.

Mark Your Calendar for these Meetings & Important Dates

The Alumni Association meets quarterly on the second Monday of the month in March, June, September and November.

Newsletter Submission Deadline for the Spring Spectator is Sunday, May 11th, 2025.

Newsletter Submission Deadline for the Winter Spectator is Sunday, November 9th, 2025.

Donations and Memorabilia

We are always looking for Memorabilia from your high school years. If you have rings, class photos, yearbooks or other memorabilia, particularly from 1926 thru 1928, 1931 thru 1944, 1946 thru 1951, 1992 and 1994, you would like to donate, please email Bob Wagner ('66), at

You have received this message because you are a friend or member of the Independence High School Alumni Association. Contact Alumni Association if you wish to be removed from this distribution list.